My Nirvana tee’ s








Born to James and Virginia Grohl, along with 3-year older sister Lisa, Dave was brought up in a divorced home. While living in Springfield VA, his parents separated and he was raised from then on by his mother, a high school English teacher.




Did you notice how Detective Ciesysnki suddenly contradicted his earlier televised statements that Kurt Cobain’s heroin dosage was “Fatal” and that the Medical Examiner’s office had never even seen such a high dose of heroin in an overdose in their county?

So what happened after that televised interview with Detective Ciesysnki? Was he ordered by one of his superiors to walk-back his opinion and bring it in line with the “official Seattle police version” touted publicly for the past 28+ years?

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 2, Point #5 – “…I noticed that the Remington 20 gauge shotgun was lying on victim’s chest with the receiver facing up. I also observed a spent yellow shell casing lying on a coat at the right side of the photo.” (This would be on the left side of Cobain’s body, but the right side of the photo Detective Ciesynski was describing.)

Now here’s where page #2 of this report goes beyond strange: “I was aware that for the spent casing to have landed to the victims left, the weapon would have had to been turned 180 degrees from what it was found. It appeared evident to what had happened when the weapon was fired, but I requested assistance from SPD Range Armorer Curt Wilson.”

Detective Ciesysnski continues; “I showed Officer Wilson a photo of victim holding the weapon, but I did not identify the victim. Officer Wilson stated that the fired round would have ejected in the direction where it was found and the second round probably malfunctioned due to victim holding the barrel, which prevented free movement of the barrel. The weapon probably pivoted when fired, and fell to the present position. Held in this manner, the fired round would have ejected to where it was depicted in the photo.”Ciesynski Report – Page 3

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 3. – Here, finally is the unbiased conclusion reached by Detective Ciesynski as he said he would not release all of the crime scene photos of Kurt’s face, (I agree with with that decision), but then he openly admits, “It wasn’t going to change my opinion.”

So it’s no surprise here that this report, obviously written by Detective Ciesynski, was simply a continuation in the cover-up of an extremely botched investigation by the original detectives sent to the scene of Cobain’s death.Ciesynski Report – Page 4

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 4. – Note: The last two pages of Detective Ciesynski’s police report on his review of Kurt Cobain’s death investigation have now been made public. This appears to be the fourth page of what was a form police report. I believe these two pages were not made available at first because the general public may have misunderstood these last two pages due to some of the standard template wording.

For example; “There is probable cause to believe the SUSPECT committed the crime of CRIME.” Although the wording there appears to be somewhat strange, I think it’s just part of this form and probably should be interpreted more accurately by the public as, “There is probable cause to believe the VICTIM [Kurt Cobain] committed the ACT of SUICDE.”

Even though the first page of this report indicates it was submitted by Detective Ciesynski, I find it interesting that we see no signature on the line given for Detective Ciesynski to sign the report.

It was obvious that the Seattle Police Department needed to do some serious damage control after Detective Ciesynski’s televised interview. Many of his publicized statements had never been acknowledged by the Seattle Police Department or the King County Medical Examiner’s office during the past 20+ years since Cobain’s deathCiesynski Report – Page 5

Ciesynski Report, Pg. 5. – Note: This appears to be the fifth page of this police report form. Although it reads – “Investigation” – the report is blank from that point on. This simply indicates to me that this report form can also be used for the purpose of reporting other crimes and incidents.

I see nothing noteworthy here. It was only included because it was part of the public documents release included with the pages added above.IN CONCLUSION

I have my personal opinion about how and when Kurt Cobain died, along with a short list of those who I believe were involved in causing his death.

As the private investigator embedded in this case before Cobain died as well as having direct involvement for seven months following his death, no one else has witnessed the events and heard the discussions that I have witnessed and heard. So I do have a right to my personal opinion.

However, I’ve never asked anyone to agree with me about the cause of Cobain’s death, even though on the surface, there appears to be much more evidence indicating homicide rather than suicide.

I’m simply asking everyone with an ounce of common sense, to please review this case closely, and with an open mind, considering all of the material posted above.

I believe it proves beyond any reasonable doubt that the investigation into Cobain’s death was first botched, then covered-up by the Seattle authorities.

Without realizing it, the Seattle police Department exposed more of the real truth behind the 1994 investigation into Cobain’s death than I’m sure they intended to reveal with this SPD sanctioned televised interview.

They also dug a hole far too deep for the Seattle authorities to climb back out.Therefore, the findings in the death of Kurt Cobain
must be changed from

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Individual questions cannot be answered
through e-mail, but comments are always
read and appreciated.

Summary of Events
Telephone Taped

Unpacking Seattle’s
Botched Investigation


Telephone Taped Conversations Taped Conversations

